Do you see the pattern for what is next in AWS? I think I do

Someone asked me what Amazon Web Service is going to do next. For the past month, I've been thinking about this problem and what can you see from looking at the releases.  

I'll write a post over the next couple of weeks on what I think AWS is doing next.  Once you see it, it is hard not to think it has to be true.

Also, Netcraft has a report on AWS growth.  With a pretty good estimate of the server count.


Geographic distribution of computers per EC2 region in May 2013

Data Centre (EC2 - Web Facing Computers)February 2013March 2013April 2013May 2013Growth (4 month)
Asia Pacific (Singapore) 6,576 6,805 6,998 7,290 10.9%
Asia Pacific (Sydney) 499 739 1,129 1,427 186%
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) 7,342 7,595 8,065 8,601 17.1%
EU West (Ireland) 23,778 24,635 25,326 25,942 9.1%
South America (Sao Paulo) 2,115 2,263 2,396 2,655 25.6%
US East (Northern Virginia) 87,094 88,543 92,426 93,537 7.4%
US West (Northern California) 9,325 9,478 9,715 9,695 4%
US West (Oregon) 5,217 5,573 5,965 7,051 35.2%
GovCloud (Oregon) 14 17 21 27 92.9%