Could Google's investment in South African Solar Project be an early indicator of future data centers? — Green Data Center Blog Time to Change

Could Google's investment in South African Solar Project be an early indicator of future data centers?

Google has an office in Johannesburg.  And just announced a solar project investment in South Africa.

Investing in a South African solar project

Posted: Thursday, May 30, 2013
As we search for investments that can help speed up the adoption of renewable energy, we’ve been looking beyond the U.S. and Europe to parts of the world where our investments can have an even greater impact. We’ve just closed our first investment in Africa: $12 million USD (103 million Rand) investment in the Jasper Power Project, a 96 megawatt solar photovoltaic plant in the Northern Cape province of South Africa.

Most of the renewable energy projects have had an association with a data center location. Which brings up the question will there be a data center in South Africa for Google?  Well maybe not one of their big ones that get reported when they are larger than 5MW (there are 14 of them), but maybe there is a smaller one.  In fact, there has to be a small one.  

Google does have peering sites in South Africa so there is some kind of presence there.

Teraco House Johannesburg JB1 15169  Johannesburg ZA
NAP Africa  15169  2001:43F8:6D0::a  10000 
NAP Africa  15169  10000