Google's Green Data Center approach - one size does not fit all

Urs Hölzle posted back in Nov 2022 on Google’s Green Data Center efforts. I have not written in a long time and that will change and it is feels write that one of the posts to write about is Google’s Green Data Center efforts. Many of my good friends are at Google or have worked there. I find it with great irony that I know and chat with many more Google data center employees than Microsoft even though I worked at Microsoft for 14 years and still live in Redmond. But when it comes to discussing the green data center topic I have no problem having conversations with Google employees including Urs.

Two things that jumps out from reading Urs post. Are the focus on water as part of Google’s climate-conscious data center cooling. Normally people only focus on electricity and cooling for a green data center, and that is where Google is different in that they have had a water strategy from their early efforts.

The other point is

The best approach depends on local factors — there is no one-size-fits-all solution.
— Urs Hölzle
