7x24 Exchange Fall 2022 Keynote, Admiral Mike Rogers

Admiral Mike Rogers is the opening Keynote at 7x24. The description of presentation is as follows.

Admiral Rogers shows why and how periods of turmoil and chaos are often a leader’s greatest opportunity to shepherd transformational change. While people and organizations seem hard-wired to favor stability and resist change, necessity forces the hand of invention. According to multiple analysts and headlines, the global pandemic accelerated the digital transformation of entire industries by three to seven years—and that window of opportunity is still open—not only for technological change but for shifts in organizational culture and the future of work. Admiral Rogers shows leaders how to embrace the power of chaos and fully leverage its momentum for change.

The presentation was well received and the following are some notes. If you are a person who likes to read a full document you can check out this document that has overlap with what is presented. One of the key points Mike made is described in the document.

Don’t Waste a Crisis

“It’s easy to be a leader when things are going right. It’s easy to be a leader when everyone’s happy. It’s easy to be a leader when there’s tons of resources,” Rogers said. “Where you make your money as a leader, I always thought, is when none of that is true.” But troubled times, if used properly, can lead to breakthroughs, especially in bureaucracies. “Crisis also is opportunity,” he said. “Never let a crisis go to waste.”

Here are a few other snippets from Mike’s presentation.

Leadership in the chaos and uncertainty is the future. Significant change, uncertainty with change, under stress will be common

What is the basic work model at work, at home, hybrid is an example of the unknown.

Our workforce has different expectations than the past. Employee empathy is critical for success

Young generation does not the fear of uncertainty that the older generation does, and don’t assume people will stick around because you fear going to an uncertain future.

How do we create organizational structures that are not one size fits all.

People are more willing than ever to walk away from work.

If you do not focused motivated people you will not be successful.

Human capital is critical component.

Build a work force to sustain over a period of time.

The rate of change is accelerating.

“Never let a crisis go to waste. Use it to drive change.” Vehicle of opportunity

What is regulatory environment in 2030 and beyond?

How do you build in flexibility to accommodate the change?

Blend the best of the cultures from civilian and government is a goal of Admiral Mike Rogers when he ran the NSA. Stifling of communication limits the development of best cultures.

Make choices that leave options.
