Google published its 2020 Environmental Impact report and it is nice.
But reading the report it missed something. I looked at who the Google Executive referenced in the report and it is Ruth Porat Alphabet and Google CFO. Ah. it reads like a financial statement. Well I guess it is a report. Urs Hölzle Senior Vice President of Technical Infrastructure is also a co author.
Google discusses the next decade which is also good. But it was missing something still.
What would I write? Make it more of a challenge. What is it Google could achieve in 20 years. What could it dream. What is it a Gen Z new hire would want to spend working on thet is worth 20 years of their time which il almost is double their life.
The past results are good if you know about PUE, energy efficiency, power per watt, but that is a small fraction of people.
Getting people excited about the future and what could be done is a much bigger audience.