Ireland Taoiseach (Prime Minister) makes his 1st trip to USA a trip to GAFAM

Yesterday I was at a luncheon for Ireland's Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar at the Chiluly garden and glass.

Here is a picture of the Taoiseach from my seat.

Here is a picture of the Taoiseach from my seat.

At my table was Microsoft and Amazon. And next on the Taoiseach was Menlo Park.

When looking at where the Taoiseach went his list comprised the GAFAM - Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, and Microsoft.







amazon.  Sorry no picture



As one of the attendees to the Seattle event said I don't know why I am here, but must be because I am Irish. I think I snuck in because they saw my name and thought i was Irish.

Here is the O'Hara family crest on a coffee mug in my office.

Here is the O'Hara family crest on a coffee mug in my office.

;-). Here is my name in Japanese in the center of my Aikido black belt certificate with the way my ancestors wrote Ohara.

;-). Here is my name in Japanese in the center of my Aikido black belt certificate with the way my ancestors wrote Ohara.

There was many more little things I learned from the event, but given I didn't disclose I would write about anything I don't have permission to say more than above. Maybe next time I go to a Taoiseach event I will attend under a media role and I have been granted permission and what is shared is "on the record."