Security or Insecurity - what’s next? 7x24 2017 Fall Keynote Kevin Kealy

A 7x24 Keynote speaker favorite gave the Tuesday Keynote, discussing the current state of Security or Insecurity


Kevin started out discussing Equifax Hack

Kevin pulls no punches pointing out their stupidity and how they set a new benchmark for mismanagement. Equifax had a single server that needed to be patched and the CIO chosen not to apply a patch, because the service would have gone down. A single server???

Simple free thing to do is to apply the patches. Don’t defer the patching. Even at home. 


Kevin added a new topic that is not on his slides.  Kevin covered the reality and asked a great question on how many of you run LINUX and made the point that any of you who run Android is running LINUX.


Kevin uses Fortinet firewall and AP

And in the above slide Kevin repeats the need to patch.

Kevin mentioned many ideas that are ones that I live by and part of a good process is regularly review and watching Kevin is one of the most enjoyable ways to self evaluate. 

As usual Kevin is a crowd pleaser. 

and last here are some resources to help you out. 

Sorry this an image file and not a link clickable HTML. :-( 
