I have gone through a wide range of wireless network gear. I had Linksys gear that I ran DD-WRT. http://www.dd-wrt.com/site/index. I went for ease of use of using Cisco routers then Apple routers. The Apple stuff worked well, but the ease of use came with a lack of data. My biggest nightmare was being on the road and getting a call from the family, usually my daughter saying the wireless doesn't work. Then I would take her through the steps to power reset the modem and then router.
Looking for something better I found the ubiquiti AP gear. If you want an in depth review read this arstechnica article. http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2015/10/review-ubiquiti-unifi-made-me-realize-how-terrible-consumer-wi-fi-gear-is/
I bought my ubiquiti gear in July 2015 and it is so much better. I have four access points. Two in the house. One in my office and another in the beach house. Gigabit ethernet is connected to all the switches. At first I used the Mac OS X software to manage the access points, but later I eventually ran the Ubiquiti controller software on by Drobo NAS. Then I could log into the IP address:8043 and check the AP operations from a iPhone, iPad, or Mac.
So how is it using Ubiquiti gear? So much better. I can get information on the signal strength of devices connected and so much more.
You need to be a bit of gear head to use Ubiquiti, but it is well worth it.