Sometimes you can learn from mistakes. If you are an engineer, so much of what you know works is from the things that didn't. Delawarenonline reports on the suit filed between executives at The Data Centers LLC.
“Five months after the hotly debated development was shelved, the former president of The Data Centers LLC in West Chester, Pa., is lashing out against the company’s chief executive, Earl Eugene “Gene” Kern, saying Kern froze him out of business affairs then ran up millions of dollars in debt the company had no ability to pay.
Robert Krizman, a well-known technical expert, alleges Kern wooed him away from an executive job at a major company with promises Krizman would be president of a company developing the data storage and management center, according to court papers. The two became members in the limited liability company with Kern having a larger ownership interest, the complaint says.”
Some of the vendors have unpaid invoices.
“Two companies have filed lawsuits for unpaid invoices totaling $1.3 million, plus interest, costs and attorneys’ fees. Duffield Associates engineering firm has sued the company for $619,000 debt, while Constructure Management Inc. construction management firm has sued for more than $772,000 in unpaid invoices, according to legal documents.”