GigaOm has a post on Google’s Android Chief Rubin working on robotics.
Google gets into the robot game, with former Android chief Rubin leading the effort
2 HOURS AGONo Comments
SUMMARY:The company has been quietly buying firms to help it build robots that could be used in manufacturing, logistics and quite possibly other sectors, too.
What seems quite possible is Rubin’s efforts with Android have woken him up the opportunity to be the OS for robotics.
I have written on my own and researched the potential for robotics in the data center. With Google’s ability to design its own data centers, racks, servers, and network gear it is quite possible there are robotics in a future scenario.
the post references the NYTimes with manufacturing and logistics.
In an interview with theNew York Times, Andy Rubin suggested Google’s latest “moonshot” involves robots for the manufacturing and logistics markets.
and with amazon’s drone now it is a hot topic to discuss automated delivery.