How much does your Cloud cost? Google adds Billing API to to support its Cloud data — Green Data Center Blog Time to Change

How much does your Cloud cost? Google adds Billing API to to support its Cloud data

It is kind of stupid to wait for your monthly AWS bill to see what you are paying.  Checking your console is one option.  Another would be if there was an API to get the data in an CSV (Excel compatible file).

Google just announced its Billing API for its cloud.

Now Get Programmatic Access to your Billing Data With the New Billing API

Posted: Monday, December 23, 2013
Tools for monitoring, analyzing and optimizing cost have become an important part of managing cloud services. But these tools are difficult to build if the usage data is only in the Google Cloud Console. We are happy to announce a solution to this problem. The Billing Export feature addresses this need, and it is available in Preview.

Once enabled, your daily Google Cloud Platform usage and cost estimates will be exported automatically to a CSV or JSON file stored in a Google Cloud Storage bucket you specify. You can then access the data via theCloud Storage API, CLI tool or Cloud Console file browser. Usage data is labelled with project Number and resource type. You have full control of who can access this data via ACLs on your Cloud Storage bucket

For those of you on AWS you can go here to figure out the Amazon billing API.

Programmatic Billing Access

Programmatic Billing Access leverages existing Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) APIs so you can build applications that reference your billing data from a CSV (comma-separated value) file stored in an Amazon S3 bucket.


IAM users with access to the billing pages can set the Programmatic Billing preferences.

Here's how it works:

Programmatic Billing Access Process

  1. Log in to the Billing Preferences page.

  2. Enable CSV reporting of your billing statement.

  3. Sign up for Programmatic Billing Access by providing a bucket location for the CSV files.

  4. Set a policy on the bucket granting AWS access to publish your CSV files to the bucket at the specified location.


    The CSV files are stored in Amazon S3 at standard Amazon S3 pricing.

  5. Use an application, such as Microsoft Excel, to parse the billing data. Or, use the existing Amazon S3 API to write an application that accesses your billing data.

    AWS provides SDKs for developing applications in specific languages. For links to the complete set of AWS SDKs, see Sample Code & Libraries.

The following diagram shows how Programmatic Billing Access works.

How Programmatic Billing Access works