The World's Undersea Cable Network

There is a race to provide Worldwide services by Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, and any mature Web 2.0 companies.  Also in this mix are Equinix, Verizon, AT&T, Digital Realty Trust.  

If you want to design your own map. You can got to this site.


GigaOm has a post on Undersea Cable Network.  When you look at this below graphic you can see the USA is the hub of the cable network.  The USA has the most bandwidth used.

A visual guide to undersea cables and their $5.5B price tag

The U.S., the Netherlands, France, the UK and Germany are all mega users of bandwidth, using more than 10 terabytes of capacity to feed their web surfing needs.

But the rest of the world is continuing to demand more broadband, and the industry of undersea cables and long haul broadband providers has spent up to $5.5 billion to meet that demand with new cables coming online in 2012 and 2013, according to TeleGeography.


Here are a list of some of the top land stations.
Besides size of the pipe an issue is the speed.
(Disclosure: I work for GigaOm Pro as an analyst.)