This blog is hosted by Squarespace at Peer 1's facility in lower Manhattan. The media has covered their bucket brigade carrying diesel fuel to the 17th floor.
And, now they have finally got a fuel pump working to pump the fuel to the fuel tanks.
Update [6:25pm ET]
We have confirmed that the fuel pump is now working. We can now operate off of fuel indefinitely and there are continuous deliveries scheduled.
But, now they are facing a fuel filter change.
Additional issues remain, the largest of which being that our generator will need to be taken offline at some point to clean the fuel filter. We can avoid that downtime if Peer1 can provide a street level generator. If this generator failure does occur, we expect the level of downtime to be on the order of an hour, instead of the multi-day outage we were facing at the onset of this crisis. We remain in a difficult situation, but the most difficult challenge we were presented with is now behind us. As of this writing, Squarespace has miraculously avoided all downtime related to Sandy, but we still have many challenges ahead with respect to getting back to anything normal.
With all these diesel generators running, maintenance events are coming up and standby generators are not meant for continuous operation for days at a time.