1/4 watt per user to use Gmail, how much energy does your corporate e-mail use? 3x-10x more?

I just posted on Gmail's green data center impact with 1.2kg CO2 per year.  And, the nice folks at Google sent me a link to a PDF that provides much more details for my technical audience.

What kind of details?  How about 0.25 watt is the power consumption accounting for a 1.16 PUE.


Small, Medium, and Large business sizes were used in the calculation.


Redundancy calculations are made for each business size.


Add all this up accounting for the size of the servers.


And you get the first graphic on the amount of power per user.  The biggest gain in energy efficiency is for the small business being 10X more energy efficiency, using 10% of the energy if they chose a gmail solution.


I use Gmail for my e-mail accounts and map domains for my own e-mail dave(at)greenm(dot)com.  It is nice to know I am consuming a 1/4 watt per account.