Heading to Chicago for DataCenterDynamics, Lee Tech on Tap, and meeting the Chicago Data Center Community

I am about to get ready to leave to the airport to go to Chicago where I'll be attending/working Hall 2 at Data Center Dynamics.  If you want to find me it will be relatively easy because I will be hall chairman of hall 2.




Hilton Chicago


The Chicago Way: Low Latency, Business Performance, Strategic Outsourcing, and IT Optimization

The growth of technology in the Chicago market is creating specific infrastructure and technology demands. Archaic business models have been replaced by technological advancement, thereby causing an increasing demand for more data center and IT mission critical infrastructure. As a result, some unique trends and obstacles have emerged for the end-user community. Issues previously unique only to major corporations are now shared by all end-users, adapting their IT infrastructure to meet growing business demands, take competitive advantage, and meet compliance.

In the evening I'll be at Lee Tech on Tap's Data Center Social across the street.

If you can make it you can register here.

Lee Tech on Tap October Event

Please join Lee Technologies and Schneider Electric for our first joint Lee Tech on Tap event Thursday, October 6th 2011 at Buddy Guy's Legends Blues Bar in Chicago.  Please RSVP as soon as possible as the venue has limited capacity.

  • When:  Thursday, October 6th, 2011 from 6:30pm-10:30pm
  • Where: Buddy Guy's Legends Blues Bar
  • Who:  Data Center Professionals
  • Why:  To network, trade war stories, and to meet/reconnect with industry peers.

On Friday, I am going to drop by Facility Gateway's new data center space.

tober, 2011 by Yevgeniy Sverdlik

Chicago Media Center

Data center building and management company Facility Gateway has partnered with owner of a data center in downtown Chicago to add more data center floor and to manage the facility in one of the tightest markets in the US in terms of supply of data center space.
