Go Dense, Go Fast, Go Green

Kevin Brown from APC presented APC's InfraStruxure solution, and I especially liked his tag line. "Go Dense, Go Fast, Go Green"




Data centers on demand

InfraStruXure fully integrates power, cooling, rack, management, security and services. This on-demand architecture allows the selection of standardized components to create a solution through modular and mobile configurations. InfraStruXure is available for any IT environment, from wiring closets to large data centers.

For a green data center, the requirements Kevin lists are areas you should look at.


This list as an holistic thinking of the properties in a green the data center vs. the typical, PUE, hot and cold aisle containment, virtualization, etc.

Also, liked the fact that Kevin has a software background.

Vice President, Data Center Global Offer
IT Business
Schneider Electric

Kevin held numerous management roles at APC, including Director, Software Development Group.
