Adding Twitter to the blogging process

I’ve been resistant to Tweet with Twitter given I already write on average two blog entries a day.  But, this week I connected my blog to my twitter feed

Here is what I did.

1) In Typepad I added my Twitter account


2) I could now publish my posts to twitter, but it was an extra step to go to TypePad posts to enable a twitter feed.  I use Windows Live Writer to write blog entries, and there is a twitter notify plug-in.


3) You can check to see if the twitter plug-in installed in the Windows Live Writer edit blog settings.


4)  When you publish a dialog box comes to confirm the publishing to Twitter.  Here is the dialog from this post.


Overall easier than I anticipated and it is just one more dialog box now that I have Windows Live Writer configured.

You can read my tweets at which are an alternative to subscribing to my RSS feeds.